Wednesday 10 July 2013


Our little Kiwi house has been lacking in the plant department since we moved in. For obvious reasons, we had to leave all of our indoor and outdoor plants back home when we made the big move to the bottom of the earth. Recently, I found I was actually missing having plants. They're just nice to look at, don't you think?

So, this weekend, we popped out to a couple of stores and picked up all the items needed to make our very own terrarium. When it came to choosing the plants, I hemmed and hawed about going with succulents. I love succulents. Love them. But really, the terrarium I had pictured in my head was lush and green so we went for mini little houseplants instead.

I remember making a terrarium in school back in the day. It really is a perfect, quick project for even the littlest of kids to help out with. Abner poured the first layer of gravel, I sprinkled on some activated charcoal, she took care of a layer of sphagnum moss and I poured in some soil before Abner decided where each little plant would go. She was also responsible for nestling our two little pottery frogs into their new home and placing her favourite little seashell just so (i.e. jammed straight down into the dirt).

I'm not sure that Abner's even looked at it since we finished it, but I'm sure enjoying it; so much so that I just might make another!

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